SELECT catid,catname,arrchildid,pclink,target,parentid FROM `fainro_olaughlinsh` . `fr_category` WHERE parentid=0 AND `display`=1 ORDER BY listorder ASC LIMIT 100;
SELECT catid,catname,arrchildid,pclink,target,icons FROM `fainro_olaughlinsh` . `fr_category` WHERE parentid=0 AND `display`=1 ORDER BY listorder ASC LIMIT 100;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `fainro_olaughlinsh` . `fr_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=3;
SELECT title,updatetime,url,color,flag,thumb,description FROM `fainro_olaughlinsh` . `fr_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=3 ORDER BY inputtime ASC LIMIT 0,20;
SELECT catid,catname,arrchildid,pclink,target,parentid FROM `fainro_olaughlinsh` . `fr_category` WHERE parentid=0 AND `display`=1 ORDER BY listorder ASC LIMIT 100;